

BYOD, short for English Bring Your Own Device is more and more common situation, in which you use your own device (smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.) even for the company purpose. BYOD is quite a controversial topic and the opinions are often very polarized.

Advantages of the situation, in which BYOD is permitted:

  • Company show itself as more attractive for the employees
  • Increase of the mobility and flexibility, e.g. higher efficacy of the employees
  • Cost saving  for providing devices on the company side

Disadvantages of the situation, in which BYOD is permitted:

  • More complicated and demanding maintenance of security policy in the organization
  • More demanding support of all different devices
  • Higher risk of company’s data leaks via the devices to which employee has an owner rights

BYOD has impact on both technology and legislation area, for example:

  • Who owns the device?
  • Who owns the data?
  • Who manage data flow?
  • How to safely remove the date from the device upon employee leave?
Security solutions enabling BYOD deployment bring:

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Solution Cluster-in-a-Box is a pre-configured and pre-installed IT environment with high availability for small and medium sized businesses in a single cabinet.

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DDoS stands itself consists of two parts: "D" and "denial". The other part is the abbreviation of the English Denial of Service, which translates as "denial of service".

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