

Mobile security represents growing security area, its growth caused primarily by the growth in sales of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, notebooks) and existence of BYOD. Attacker primarily focus on the fastest growing market. Is is necessary to acknowledge, that these devices by their computing power and parameters not only level with standard office computers, but in many cases even beat them. Fir this very reason it must be noted, that the security measures applied to traditional devices in reference to technologies, ways of deployment and structure have to be applied to mobile devices as well. The high diversity of OS and models of devices make this task even tougher.

All mobile devices have in common:

  • Commonly connect between company network and public network and in most cases bypass central gateway and its security policies
  • Contain company data and access information to company network
  • Vendors limit access of third party to certain applications and functions

Mobile Security can be divided in two separate areas:

  • Mobile device management (MDM)
  • Mobile device security (MDS)

These areas quite often overlap and complement each other using the option provided already by the device vendor.
Mobile device management (MDM)
This area most commonly includes:

  • Devices inventory
  • Automated distribution and management of policies
  • Application management
  • Reporting
  • Remote Lock, Remote Wipe, Device Track, Encryption

Mobile device security (MDS)
This area most commonly includes:

  • Antimalware protection
  • Malicious web site protection
  • Firewall and attack detection
  • Application security evaluation
  • DLP
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Web Application Firewall protects Web sites and Web applications from attackers who exploit vulnerabilities applications or protocols to steal data or to change the appearance of the organization's website.

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CxSAST is a powerful Static Source Code Analysis solution designed for identifying, tracking and fixing technical and logical security flaws from the root: the source code.

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DLP, Data loss or Data leak prevention is the technology preventing unauthorized intentional or unintentional loss or leak of company data.

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