

DLP, Data loss or Data leak prevention is the technology preventing unauthorized intentional or unintentional loss or leak of company data. Currently the news media are full of cases reporting loss of confidential data (credit card numbers, user names and passwords) from different organizations.

DLP has to address:

  • Physical security – mandatory and important to limit access for unauthorized persons
  • Back up of data / for the purpose of data recovery in case of hw failure, natural disasters, etc.
  • Securing IT infrastructure – at all network levels
According to statistic data piled over few last tears, the most common reason for DLP event is unintentional sending an email to wrong address.
SecTec offers technology solution for securing complete infrastructure:

a) Gateway

  • Control of all protocol outbound and inbound traffic from internal network to Internet
  • Content control for traffic from internal network to Internet
  • Iption for blocking the traffic, and logging

b) Network

  • Control of network printers

c) Endpoint

  • Disk encryption
  • Control of access to ports
  • Firewall , VPN
  • Application access control
  • Data access control

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Sandbox is a security mechanism for separating running programs.

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Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) solutions help secure your company's digital assets from end to end.

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DDoS stands itself consists of two parts: "D" and "denial". The other part is the abbreviation of the English Denial of Service, which translates as "denial of service".

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