

Coming of Web 2.0 interface since y2004  gradually replacing the static Web 1.0 and changed the fixed content of the website and replaces it with a dynamic space-sharing and joint creation of content. It also changed the security risks associated with safety website content

Social networking and Web 2.0 applications and the latest Web 3.0 are everywhere  and fundamentally changing the way , how we work on the Internet. At the same time, it becomes the new entry point for threats from the Internet, violations and data loss. Traditional technology as antivirus, web reputation or URL filtering are longer sufficient and organizations seeking a comprehensive approach for security, which would allow them to not only reduce the number of threats, and also reduce cost of administration and simplifies security solutions safety rules.

Solutions from vendors help avoid those risks by using:

  • Application Control
  • User identification
  • Content Control
  • URL Filter
  • Anti-Malware
  • DLP
  • Time and bandwidth Control
  • Remote User Protection
  • Sandbox
  • Reporting

 All this proposed technologies help prevent for threats from the Internet, we should not forget on the most serious threat and that is USER who wittingly or unintentionally violates corporate security policies.
SECTEC a.s. , in SECTEC ACADEMY program doing regular trainings, where the users can learn, how threats come in using the Internet and how to prevent them.

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